The South Tangerang Metro Police have announced the status of students suspected of bullying at Binus School Serpong and involved the son of a VR artist with the initials FLR.

This was conveyed directly by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Alvino Cahyadi, that FLR itself was suspected of being included in the category of Children in Conflict with Law (ABH).

"7 witnesses' children are designated as children who are in conflict with the law (ABH) who are suspected of committing criminal acts of violence against minors and/or beatings as referred to in Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 over the second amendment to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and/or Article 170 of the Criminal Code," said Alvino Cahyadi at the South Tangerang Metro Police, Friday, March 1.

In a press conference, the South Tangerang Metro Police was accompanied by the Atwirlany Ritonga PPPA Ministry, Acting Assistant Deputy for Child Services.

He revealed that the Ministry of PPPA continues to oversee and ensure students with ABH status get recovery and assistance, including the son of a VR artist, FLR.

"We from the PPPA Ministry are guarding and ensuring that children face the law to continue to get recovery and assistance. This is also assisted by the South Tangerang PPA UPTD for the process," said Atwirlany Ritonga.

In addition, he will ensure that FLR and ABH students will still get their rights in the justice and education system.

"We do not escape that there are also children who are in conflict with the law to get their rights with the juvenile justice system, they also have the right to get education," he concluded.

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