YOGYAKARTA Formula milk can be used as a substitute for exclusive breast milk if a mother cannot breastfeed her baby due to health problems. However, before giving it to the baby, it is important to know the characteristics of the baby not suitable for formula milk.

You should know, not all formula milk products available on the market are suitable for each baby. Babies who are not suitable for drinking formula milk will show a rejection sign because their bodies are not used to it.

So, what are the characteristics of babies not suitable for formula milk? Let's see the full information below.

Some babies show signs of not matching the formula milk consumed. Generally, the signs or symptoms that arise are caused by two things, namely allergies and intolerance (sensitivity) to the substances found in milk, such as lactosa.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, March 2, 2024, babies who do not match formula milk due to allergies will show symptoms such as:

While in infants who are intolerant of lactose, symptoms that may arise after giving formula milk, namely:

This problem arises because the baby's digestive system is still in growth. As a result, lactase enzymes that are tasked with digesting lactose and protein in milk have not worked well.

According to Pregnancy Birth & Baby, the characteristics of babies not suitable for formulas above are quite common. Therefore, mothers should first consult a doctor if they want to give formula milk to their little one.

For additional information, allergies and intolerance are two different things. Allergy is the body's reaction to certain substances. Allergies are related to the immune system so that the handling is more complicated than intolerance.

While intolerance is a sign that the body is very sensitive to food content.

Citing the Cleveland Clinic, the sensitivity to food substances is easier to deal with than allergies.

If the baby shows the characteristics of the baby not suitable for formula because of allergies, the mother is advised to consult a doctor immediately. That way, the cause of the allergic reaction can be known early and can replace the baby's safer formula.

Meanwhile, if the mismatch in formula milk is caused by lactose intolerance, mothers need to do the following:

This is information about the characteristics of babies that do not match formula milk. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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