The East Jakarta Metro Police have named Gathan Saleh (GSA) as the perpetrator of the shooting that occurred on Jalan Jatinegara Timur some time ago to the victim named Andika Mowardi.

This was conveyed by the East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly in a press conference. Where he said that the status of Gathan Saleh, who started as a witness, had risen to become a suspect.

"It was concluded and decided that the status of the alleged perpetrator and based on the legal facts and evidence, the status of the witness is a suspect," said Nicolas Ary Lilipaly at the East Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, February 29.

"So starting today, GSA's brother from the witness has become a suspect, starting to be questioned for his statement as a suspect. Furthermore, he detained the alleged perpetrator of the GSH suspect," he continued.

It was previously reported that the victim Andika Mowardi had suffered injuries to his hands due to broken glass from the bullet shot by Gathan Saleh.

"The victim suffered abrasions on the right arm due to sparks of glass shards," said Nicolas.

Seeing this, Nicolas said that Andika's party had felt aggrieved by this incident and asked Gathan to be strictly prosecuted.

"Until now, the victim feels aggrieved so that he does not want to make peace, he wants this case to be processed legally," he concluded.

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