YOGYAKARTA Nuclear Energy is one of the potential energies that can be used as an alternative to fulfilling human energy.

This article will provide information and an overview of what nuclear energy is to its utilization in human life.

Nuclear energy is a form of energy obtained through nuclear reactions. This energy is generated through two kinds of mechanisms, namely core division (fission reaction) and the merger of several cores through fusion reactions.

While the nuclear fission reaction is a reaction in the form of division of atomic nuclei due to the presence of collisions between atoms to produce new energy and atoms with small masses. This reaction also produces electromagnetic radiation. In this reaction, the elements that are often used are plutonium and uranium. Examples of nuclear fission reactions are nuclear weapons or PLTN.

Nuclear fusion reactions are reactions in the form of melting two or more atomic nuclei into new atoms resulting in energy. This reaction is also commonly referred to as a net reaction that uses lithium and hydrogen elements. An example of nuclear fusion reactions is a reaction that occurs in the core of the star universe.

Nuclear is currently one of the alternative energy sources that can be utilized by humans. There are several advantages of nuclear energy, namely as follows.

Nuclear energy only produces low carbon compared to energy sourced from burning coal or petroleum. Because of this, nuclear is often echoed into new and renewable energy which has great but environmentally friendly potential.

The construction of a nuclear reactor to provide electricity needs is large enough that it can be utilized by humans.

As is known, the fulfillment of energy for humans sourced from nuclear is carried out with fission reactions. In the reaction, uranium is needed. On the other hand, the availability of uranium is still very large. In fact, uranium can be obtained through sea water extraction so that the supply is endless. That's why nuclear energy can be produced in large quantities and even tends to be unlimited.

Humans have been developing knowledge about nuclear energy. Here are some examples of the use of nuclear energy in everyday life.

Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) is one clear evidence of nuclear utilization. PLTN will use nuclear to produce heat to produce electricity that can be distributed for various needs.

For your information, the Indonesian government is also carrying out the construction of PLTN in West Kalimantan.

The nuclear submarine turns out to use the nuclear reactor as the main energy source. The nuclear reaction in the reactor will produce heat. The heat energy is then used as a turbine driver so that the ship can run.

Nuclear technology is also used in the health sector. Some medical devices that use nuclear such as gamma cameras are a tool capable of displaying imaging in the human body. Doctors use tools to help them diagnose disease to monitor heart function.

Nuclear is not only able to sustain life, but can be used as a weapon. Nuclear is capable of producing a large explosion capable of eliminating living things.

Nuclear is also used in the exploration of science. Some areas that use nuclear such as nuclear physics, radiation analysis, and much more.

Those are some information related to nuclear energy. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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