Rows Of Drugs That Don't Cancel Fasting, Anything?
Illustration of drugs that do not invalidate fasting (Photo: Pixabay/Photoblend)

YOGYAKARTA During the month of Ramadan, a sick Muslim must adjust the schedule for taking medication so that this activity does not interfere with fasting. In addition, if possible, the person will switch to a drug that does not break the fast.


Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the following are a row of drugs that do not invalidate fasting:

1. Drugs that are absorbed through the skin

Quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) for drugs that are absorbed or absorbed through the skin such as plasters, creams, plasters, and koyos do not break the fast because they do not enter the digestive tract.

Salep, cream, plaster, and koyo are only used locally and are often indicated to be used in the sick.

2. Eye test drugs, eye drops, or nose

The use of eye drops or ear drops or nasal drops also does not invalidate fasting, because it is only used in the eye or ears area and does not enter the digestive tract.

In the Quran Surah al-Baqarah verse 187, one of the things that invalidates fasting is eating and drinking on purpose, in the sense of inserting anything into the stomach through the mouth.

3. Sublingual drugs

Sublingual drugs are drugs that are used under the tongue. This drug does not invalidate fasting because it does not enter the digestive tract. Examples of sublingual drugs are the isosorbide of phymatrate andtipglycerin. This drug is used to treat the wind (nyeri in the chest due to reduced blood flow to the heart).

4. An asthma drug in the form of ANXIE

Inhaler is a type of drug to treat shortness of breath due to asthma. Asma itself is a chronic disease that occurs in the respiratory tract which is characterized by shortness of breath in the sufferer due to narrowing of the respiratory tract.

Quoted from Muhammadiyah's official website, the use ofiri does not invalidate fasting, because this drug is not included in the category of food or drinks. The chemical substance of the medicine contained in the fire is liquid-shaped salbutamol sulfate which is small in number.

Inhaler is also not a category of drugs used to satisfy a person's lust which creates pleasure, but is used for treatment.

The rules of the fiqh are said: A difficulty requires convenience. This means that a law that contains difficulties in its implementation, whether for the body, soul, or the property of a mukalaf, is relaxed so that its implementation does not harm anymore. This relief in Islam is called rukhsah.

4. Cumur medicine

Mouthwash does not invalidate fasting as long as it is not swallowed.

6. Drugs that are injected into the body

The provision of injections intended in the body, either through the skin, muscles, joints, and veins, will not invalidate fasting. However, feeding through the intravenous path is considered to cancel fasting because the food given enters the digestive tract system.

7. Drugs given through rectals

Rectally given drugs such as suppositoria will not invalidate fasting because they do not enter the digestive tract.

8. Oxygen

Giving oxygen will not break the fast. Oxygen is given when the body experiences facial disturbances, which causes oxygen saturation in the body to decrease.

This is information about drugs that do not invalidate fasting. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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