The moment the artists participated in voting in the 2024 General Election has often been immortalized, but there is something different from singer Kunto Aji. In this year's election, he volunteered as a Linmas officer in his home complex.

He uploaded a photo of himself in a Linmas uniform to guard at the TPS. Then, he shared his experience as Linmas.

This happened because as a public figure, Kunto Aji rarely participated in activities in his complex home. When he took a vacation, he tried to participate in events at his complex.

"So the beginning of the story from Linmas is. Every time there is an event in my complex, I rarely get to participate, now this is while the holiday is finished," wrote Kunto Aji on X.

From there, Kunto Aji also submitted a condition to the RT in being involved as a member of the KPPS. The father of two asked that he be given the easiest task.

Pelantun Jangan Melamun Saat Hujan itu melanjutkan bahwa cerita dirinya sebagai Linmas bukan sekadar gimmick saja.

"Incidentally, Mrs. Rt was offered to participate during the election, she was willing, on condition that she asked for the easiest job, because she was afraid that she would not be able to attend the meeting and had no experience as well as being a member of the KPPS," he said again.

"Be the task of Linmas. Therefore, all of this is not a gimmick, yes, this is really hahahahaha," he said.

Kunto Aji also admitted that he wanted to use the moment of the election as a moment to get to know the residents around the complex.

"As a fairly new citizen, let's be familiar with complex fathers," added Kunto Aji.

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