JAKARTA - The biological father of the late Dante, Angger Dimas, was again summoned by the Polda Metro Jaya, precisely with the Apsifor team (Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association) to undergo psychological tests after being left behind by their child due to being killed.
After undergoing a psychological test for 2.5 hours, Angger Dimas again gave his opinion regarding the fact that Yudha Arfandi alias YA drowned Dante 12 times. As a father, Angger Dimas admitted that he was very annoyed with the heinous act.
"As you have seen, 12 times (drowned), the last one was 54 seconds. Yes, I'm annoyed, I'm a lot annoyed," said Angger at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, February 13.
Even so, Angger seemed to have suspected that YA would be the suspect in this case. Whereas previously Angger had been criticized by netizens as being a hero ofTENness and so on.
"It means like it's true, right? That's right what I thought all this time. It means like it's true, right? I think what I've been saying all this time, what do I say," he said.
"Whatever it is. This is a father's suspicion of his son. It's suspicious like this," said Angger.
For information, Tamara Tyasmara and Angger Dimas' only son, Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo or Dante, died allegedly because he drowned in the swimming pool.
Yudha was arrested in the Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta and detained at Polda Metro Jaya since Friday, February 9. He is faced with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning the Child Protection Constitution, Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder, Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder in the usual form, and Article 359 concerning negligence that causes death.
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