Geez & Ann Movies To Show On Netflix Today
Geez & Ann (Netflix Indonesia)

JAKARTA - The latest romance film, Geez & Ann is released today, Thursday, February 25 on Netflix. Directed by Rizki Balki, this film is an adaptation of a novel of the same title written by R Titik Sedu.

Geez & Ann tells Ann (Hanggini Purinda Retto) who falls in love with Geez (Junior Roberts), a mysterious man. Their feelings of reciprocity and their relationship begin to unfold.

But without them knowing it, they face a series of events related to lies, family conflicts, to long-distance relationships.

Ann's figure is someone who is smart, independent, but says what it is, while Geez is a man who is good at talking and is not shy in expressing their feelings.

Geez & Ann film is the latest romance film that presents a story that is relevant and felt by everyone.

Apart from Hanggini and Junior, this film stars Roy Sungkono, Ersa Mayori, Dewi Rezer, and Indra Brasco.

Much anticipated, the hashtag #GeezandAnn reverberated on social media after the release of the film. Customers can watch the Geez & Ann film via the Netflix streaming service.

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