JAKARTA - Taylor Swift's attorney threatened to take legal action regarding a Florida student who disseminated information on her client's flight. Tuesday, February 6, someone named Jack totaled confirming that she received it from Swift's lawyer.

Jack Totaling who is a University of Central Florida student is the person who spread information about celebrity flights. In addition, he also measures the footprint of carbon emissions and the use of fuel from celebrity private jets spread on social media.

How could he do the same to Elon Musk where he spread information about his private jet flight. Musk as the owner of X closed the X total account named @ElonJet in December 2022.

However, after being granted permission again, Jack totaled that he would again disseminate information on public figure flights. He used Federal Aviation Administration data and flight signals.

Katie Morrone as Taylor Swift's legal team said that her actions could endanger the Grammy winner because she spread Swift's location in real-time.

The spread was also a stalking act that endangered Swift. Recently, the authorities arrested a suspected stalking at Taylor Swift's house. A warning letter to her was also given in December 2023.

"We know your conflict with several other well-known individuals in that tactic includes offers to stop your behavior," the letter read.

The offer in question was Elon Musk had offered $50.000 to stop stalking him, but Jack totaled and asked 50.000 US dollars to pay for Tesla's lectures or plans to buy Tesla.

"Even though this is a guarantee, or a path that you think could be a way of fame, this is life and death from our client, it's not that Swift is dealing with the stalkings who want to hurt her," the letter continued.

If your body does not comply with their request, Swift's legal team plans to take her to legal action. My brother revealed that he received the letter after the media reported on Taylor Swift's carbon footprint while using a private jet.

"He has no choice but must do the legal means available," said the attorney.

Quoting CNN International, Jackmen said, 'I feel Swift has a good song. I believe in transparency and public information.' How come Swift fans are very enthusiastic about the jet information.

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