YOGYAKARTA Says 'I am healthy' is certainly easier than a thorough check. Instead of checking, many people think that they are healthy because they do not feel pain in certain limbs. But it turns out, a healthy condition can be seen from the level of energy and how the body mechanism works normally.

Under normal circumstances, body cells receive instructions to grow, heal, and develop. Body determining factors are in good health. According to Doctor Kien Vuu, MD., when your cells have more energy, you also have more energy. You will enjoy health benefits from lower levels of inflammation and DNA layers protect cells from aging.

When you have a lot of energy or don't get tired easily, it means that the body's mechanism works harmoniously. When inflammation, the main biological process diverts cell work to survive so that it is easier to age, is unable to improve and regenerate itself. During inflammation, mitochondria also works inefficiently in producing ATP (Adenosin Trifosphate) so that the body has less energy for optimal activity.

Illustrations of healthy bodies affect energy according to doctors are characterized by the following (Freepic/coconie_studio)

The level of sex hormones and happy feelings are more planned to be triggered by higher levels of stress hormones, causing mental imbalance and unhealthy physical symptoms. In these conditions, inflammation increases and becomes chronic, causing autoimmune disorders or other chronic diseases. Stress can also cause your body to experience fatigue which not only inhibits optimal functions but can also develop pain, defects, and early death.

It is still related to stress conditions that convert the parasimpathic nervous system into sympathetic. In this condition, blood thickens, becomes easier to clot, and inflammation increases. Meat is easily injured, or bruises and the immune system decreases when experiencing it. Did you know, if the immune system weakens, it cannot protect itself from exposure to viruses and cancer.

There are seven elements in the body related, such as sleep, adequate nutrition, active movement, stress and control of emotions, mindset, goals, and social or community relations. When you increase one element, it will be easier to improve the other six elements.

For example, when you get a good sleep in the right quantity, the hormonal balance will form. It will also affect your energy levels during exercise and lower stress levels. Well, when stress levels are lower, the body digests and extracts nutrients better, reported by Mind Body Green, Monday, February 5. This, in turn, will result in optimized neurotransmitters and hormones, which can improve your emotional state. This gives you fuel to achieve your goals and contribute to your community.

According to doctor Vuu's explanation, all organisms will develop if each cell fulfills and achieves its maximum potential. So, it is important to keep each body's cell working well. You do this, balancing the seven elements of the body mentioned above harmoniously support each other.

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