There Are Always Positives, Here Are 5 Advantages Of Having A Possessive Partner
Hugging couple illustration (Unsplash / Pablo Heimplatz)

JAKARTA - There is always a positive effect as long as communication in an equal relationship is established. Including having a possessive partner, actually there are benefits. For those of you who are busy and don't pay attention to yourself, maybe a possessive partner can be a reminder.

So, below what do you feel when your partner is more controlling?

Always pay attention

A possessive person will be very familiar with your habits. He will find out a lot and ask questions ranging from health, emotional conditions to making sure you are not late for lunch.

If you are annoyed by the flood of attention from a possessive partner, you can communicate this so you don't start a big fight.

Corrections here and there

Well, this is very beneficial for those of you who have many activities. You can ask for help to proofread the work. A possessive partner may also correct your appearance. However, you can protest as long as the way of delivery is not confrontational.

Make sure you are safe

Coming home too late, of course your partner will not leave you alone on the trip. He will accompany you, very lucky if he can pick you up.

A possessive partner will also ensure that you don't experience anything unwanted. If he does something risky, he can give the most judgment and forbid if it is too dangerous.

It is impossible to silence or silent treatment

Not everyone can express their thoughts and feelings well. In the end, it will be silent or silent treatment when angry. However, it's different if you have a possessive partner.

Although it might be a bit annoying because a lot of words will come out of his mouth, but at least it doesn't make you curious and confuse you.

Good at pampering

A possessive partner certainly doesn't like to see the person he loves having a hard time. It will be easier to lend a hand than to test patience. While the questions that can't be counted on the fingers often test patience, it's lucky you get the attention.

So, from the five advantages of having a partner above, which one do you often experience? Because everyone has the capacity and limits that can and should not be interfered with, prioritize equal communication.

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