JAKARTA - After the success of Later We Tell About Today (NKCTHI), Visinema Pictures and Marchella FP are ready to launch a second collaborative project entitled Melancholy 90s Generation. This film, which is inspired by the book by Marcella FP, has just released its exclusive trailer.

The scene in the Melancholy 90s Generation trailer begins with the intimacy between Indah (Aghniny Haque) and Abby (Ari Irham) as siblings who love each other. However, a tragic event occurred when the plane in which Indah was traveling lost contact and disappeared without a trace. This incident left a wound for Abby, who always made Indah a role model.

In the midst of her sadness, Sephia (Taskya Namya), Indah's best friend, comes to fill the void in Indah's heart. They both felt the loss, but didn't realize that each other's presence could heal the wounds.

The 90s generation Melancholy will display the nuances of the '90s in terms of color and production design. Sheila on 7's Sephia song is also clearly heard in the trailer but is sung in a new version by a male singer.

Reportedly, apart from Sephia, this film is also inspired by two 90s era songs, Jadi Indah from the band Padi and Cintakan Bring You Kembali dari Dewa 19. These three songs will complement the storyline of the 90s Generation Melancholy produced by Angga Dwimas Sasongko.

This film is also M. Irfan Ramli's debut as a director after previously working as a scriptwriter for many Visinema Pictures films. Call it the Letter From Prague, Philosophy of Coffee 2, Banda: The Dark Forgotten Trail, Love For Sale, and Love For Sale 2.

Meanwhile, the reason for Angga as a producer to adapt the work of Marchella FP is because he is amazed by the book Generasi 90s. Even though the book contains graphics about the 90s, Visinema decided to give the film version a new color. Melancholy 90s generation will air on April 9 in all Indonesian cinema networks.

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