YOGYAKARTA What is jelqing? Jelqing is a natural penis enlargement method. This technique is quite popular and can be done alone at home without a tool.

Jelqing can make the quality of the erection better. However, this method can cause side effects if done too often. The penis can be irritated until it is injured.

The following is a further explanation of what is liquefiedness, methods, and its impact on men's reproductive health.

Jelqing is a massage technique that can enlarge male vital equipment. This method is done by putting pressure on the penis to force blood flow to the end.

Quoted from Healthline, the jelqing technique involves massage of penis tissues, stretching of the skin to create micro-ears or small rips which later appear to grow when healed.

Jelking is claimed to be able to make a male vital organ grow long and its diameter grow.

The method of magnification of this vital tool is believed to have originated from the Ancient Middle East and is more than 200 years old. Jelking is sometimes called'milking' (red) because its technical application looks like cow milking.

Some people claim that jelqing techniques can make the erection last longer and help men's vital organs look thicker or longer.

However, until now there has been no scientific study showing that the jelqing method is effective for increasing the size of the penis.

The way to dojelqing is to sort a penis with your thumb gently and regularly. At first glance, this method is similar to wrestling. The man only needs to squeeze and caress his limbs to force blood flow to the end.

Here are the steps to enlarge the male vital organs using the kelqing method:

When doing the jelqing technique, you need to be careful so that it doesn't make the penis abrasion or irritate the skin.

The results formed are very dependent on how consistent you are in dribbling. A number of men claim to have succeeded in increasing the length of the penis after practicing the kelqing technique within eight months.

The jelqing technique can have a negative impact on men's reproductive health. Here are some side effects that need to be watched out for before trying out the jelqing technique to enlarge the penis:

Keep in mind, until now there is no scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of kelqing in increasing the size of the penis. This means that this method should not be done carelessly.

If you want to increase the size of a vital device, you can try other tested methods such as kegel exercises that can cut fat in the stomach. Stomach fat buildup can hide your genitals. In addition, there's nothing wrong with quitting smoking.

That's the information about what jelqing is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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