YOGYAKARTA - Glaukuma is a serious eye disease and can be fatal to vision. If not treated immediately then this disease can cause blindness. Not a few Indonesians experience Glaukuma. In order to avoid these eye health problems, it is important to know how to prevent glaukuma disease.

Glaukuma disease damages optical nerves in the eyes that cause visual impairment. Based on data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 50 percent of people are not aware that they have glaukuma disease. This disease often shows no early symptoms.

Most people with glaukuma are diagnosed when they are in advanced stages or are already blind. This disease is referred to as the second largest cause in cases of blindness in the world after cataracts. That's why you should understand how to prevent glaukuma disease in order to maintain the health of your eyes.

There are two main types of glaukuma that can interfere with eye vision, namely closed-angle glaukuma and open-angle glaukuma. The most common disease experienced by many people is open glaukuma. What is certain is that both of them are both endangering eye health because they are at risk of blindness.

Of course you don't want to experience vision problems until you reach old age. Therefore, you need to maintain eye health from the start, including applying several ways to prevent glaukuma disease below:

One of the important steps that must be taken to maintain eye health is to undergo regular eye examinations. This good habit can help you prevent glaukuma disease. Regular eye examination can help detect glaukuma in the early stages, before it gets worse or there are complications.

It is recommended to carry out regular eye examinations every 5 to 10 years for people under 40 years of age. For people aged 40-54 years, it is recommended to undergo eye examination every 2 to 4 years. Meanwhile, the elderly 55-64 years should have their eyes checked every 1 to 3 years.

Another tip you need to do to prevent glaukuma disease is to wear eye protection. Wearing eye protection can help you avoid risks or accidents that can hit your eyes.

Eye injuries can cause traumatic glaukuma or secondary glaukuma. That is why it is important to wear eye protection as a step to prevent glaukuma. You can wear protective glasses when doing sports, doing outdoor activities, driving, or while using electrical tools.

Regular sports also prove useful for maintaining eye health. Applying a healthy lifestyle such as exercising regularly can prevent risks or threats of eye problems, one of which is glaukuma disease.

No need to force yourself to do strenuous exercise or exceed the body's ability. You can undergo light exercise such as jogging at least 3 times a week or workout from home. This exercise activity is able to reduce pressure in the eyes so that the eye condition remains healthy and eye pressure remains normal.

Research shows that light exercise movements such as jogging or walking regularly can reduce the IOP. IOP is intraocular pressure, namely in-eye pressure that keeps eye performance functioning normally. Pay attention to avoid yoga, headstand, shoulderstand, or other similar positions.

Another healthy lifestyle that can help maintain eye health is eating healthy foods. You can choose foods that contain good nutritional ingredients for the eyes. For example eating green fruit and vegetables that mix vitamins A and C as well as lutein and zeaxanthin.

Good nutritional content for the eye can protect against oxidative stress associated with optical nerve damage and other eye tissues in glaukuma. In addition, it is also recommended to eat foods rich in omega-3 such as salmon, sardines, and others. The high omega-3 content can lower eye pressure which is a glaukuma factor.

Those are some ways to prevent glaukuma disease as a dangerous eye disease. Some organs of the body have important functions, so make sure to always maintain eye health by routine examinations and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Also read to get to know eye check-ups and types of vision tests.

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