YOGYAKARTA Dry and itchy scalp then peels off, the effect is similar to ketombe. But between ketombe and dry facial skin have significant differences that affect how to treat or deal with it. So that you don't get the wrong treatment, identify the difference and each way to treat it.
According to doctor-certified dermatologist Blair Murphy-Rose, ketombe is a chronic condition that is often considered a mild form of seboroic dermatitis. Ketombe appears as a white flake caused by increased mold on the surface of the scalp, explains triologist Willian Gareitz. Ketombe is different from dry scalp, because it is not caused by fungi. Dry head skin is caused by lack of hydration. Although both have the same symptoms, namely itching, both need to be treated differently.
Dry scalp can improve by reducing the frequency of shampooing, explained Jurisprudence specialist Friese as reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, January 31. Dry scalp also often comes along with ketombe. Therefore, many people misidentify.
More specifically, the cause of ketombe is associated with dirty scalp. Although the causes of ketombe are many factors and are not fully understandable, they are often associated with the production of excess oil and excessive growth of Malassezia sp mushrooms. When fungi meets excessive production of oil on the skin, microscopic dead skin cells are usually peeling off without realizing it. Then it will stick and turn into small white flakes but it is clearly visible.
Another cause of skin mold growth is influenced by the immune system. Low skin immunity, usually associated with low vitamin D3 or ferritein, genetic history, inflammatory diet, poor hair and skin products, or allergies. In addition, stress can also be the main cause of skin mold spreading in the scalp.
Dry head skin, caused by several factors related to the lack of skin hydration. Among other things, the inability to produce or maintain moisture, wash excessive hair, irritation due to hair care products, burn sunlight, and climate.
Like other dry skin shapes, this can cause itching, exfoliation, and irritation, said Friese. Another addition, it is important to pay attention to products applied to the scalp. Do not let these products burden or remove skin moisture. Dry head skin, the symptoms include itching head skin, dry hair, and almost no small debris.
One of the easiest ways to distinguish between a ketombe and a scaly dry scalp is to see the appearance of the flakes. Fragments from the ketombe tend to be much larger and very visible. Wrinkled dry head skin tends to be smoother and smaller.
To prevent and treat ketombe, you can use shampoos that are formulated specifically to overcome ketimbe or seboroik dermatitis. These sapoms contain salicylic acid, ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, or selenium sulfide.
In addition to using an anti-tombe shampoo, it is important to increase the intake of omega-3. In addition, advises Lagaitz, consumption of vitamin D supplements containing vitamin D3 which helps slow skin aging. It can also add hair care with tea tree oil. Finally, how to prevent and treat ketombe, is to manage stress.
Sedangkan untuk membakai kulit kepala kering, gunakan perawatan kulit kepala saat atau sebelum kerama. Misalnya menggunakan kooneer yang lembut dan melembangkan. Tetapi payerat komposisi shampoo atau perawatan kulit kepala lainnya. Hindari produk yang mengungsung alcohol. Selain itu, mitikan intensitas keramas untuk menminimalisir kehilangan kepala. Ketika kulit kepala terasa kering sekali, Anda bisa menambahkan pelempupan udara di ruang tempat tinggal. Add lagi, mengonggunakan minuman probiotic bi birotik bisa membankan flora pada kulit kepala. Ada pula probiotic yang bibiotic yang bisa diamplikkan pada kulit kepala.
But in addition to following tips on preventing and overcoming ketombe and dry facial skin, you need to see a doctor if the condition is severe enough. Usually, within a month after undergoing simple treatment, the problem with the scalp will heal by itself. But if more than a month and doesn't get better, immediately go to a dermatologist to get the best advice.
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