YOGYAKARTA There are so many variations in flavor-rich and spice dishes in Indonesia. Including one of the main ingredients of poultry meat. Instead of eating fried chicken alone, you can enjoy the following variety of dishes made from poultry.

Opor iconic chicken with Eid dishes or days to meet a big family. However, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the concoction of chicken spiced with lemongrass, Javanese acid, cinnamon, lengkuas, ketumbar, shallots and whites plus this savory coconut, on a regular day. The aromatic sauce and spices absorb in the fibers of chicken meat make the moment of eating feel warm. Usually, the lower thigh is part of the chicken used for this dish.

Fried Ducks in Indonesia are known for their special processing methods. In addition to cute, soft, and delicious, fried ducks are also served with spicy chili sauce or a typical Madura black spice. Ducks are usually cut into pieces, boiled or steamed with spices, then fried so they get unique coolness. Bumbu for marijuana, generally made from mixtures of garlic, ginger, turmeric, enveloping, or ketumbar.

Chicken guery is a variety of foods made from chicken meat, similar to curry. Consisting of chicken slices boiled with small flames and complex flavors of sugar. The sugary seasoning in the archipelago is quite varied, some are yellow, some are reddish with spicy taste. The spices used to sprinkle the variety of this dish, including chilies, turmeric, turquoise, jintan, nutmeg, kemiri, and shallots and garlic.

In contrast to the sugary dish which is synonymous with dishes from West Sumatra, the betutu chicken comes from Bali. Betutu refers to how to process dishes and traditional Balinese ganep spices. So there is also a restaurant that serves betutu ducks. Betutu is a way to process meat with a mixture of turmeric, ginger, pepper, chili, and a little terasi. Chicken or betutu dish is processed traditionally by roasting it in the ground after it is wrapped in leaves. That means, preparation and processing time take at least a day.

Before being burned on a mixture of charcoal, the chicken is spiced with spices. Can only be marginalized for a few hours, some are boiled along with typical spices. The cuisine seasoning is also used as oles sauce when the chicken is burned or roasted. The installation is carried out until the chicken skin turns dark like a charmer but not until it is cooked. When cooked, the chicken is served with warm white rice, paste chili sauce, cucumber, and tomatoes.

Just like betutu, rendang is also a special way of processing and seasoning so that it creates dishes that are savory, spicy, and delicious. Chicken flavors are traditional Indonesian dishes and spices used to make them include citrus leaves, lemongrass, turmeric, coconut milk, sugar, salt, oil, and fine spices consisting of milled onions, garlic, red chilies, enveloping, ginger, and ketumbar. Chicken slices are spiced and stir with fine spices, then cooked with coconut milk. The dish is boiled until the soup almost completely evaporated and sticks to the meat.

Popular geprek chicken as food from Yogyakarta, its dish is similar to the American-style fried chicken and then boosted with chilies, orange leaves, tomatoes, and garlic. The flour chicken in the fire is covered in spicy chili sauce. There is also a variety of geprek chicken added to mozzarella cheese.

You are certainly familiar with the term team's rice dish. Rice that is timed along with spices and other mixtures. For chicken team rice, chicken and mushrooms shitake added. Launching MusteAtlas, Wednesday, January 31, the chicken is usually peppered with soy sauce and garlic and then placed at the bottom of the tin bowl, along with a little chicken broth.

The meat is placed under rice and the combination is then steamed until it is ripe. Sometimes, boiled eggs are placed at the bottom of a bowl with chickens. Because this dish is always served hot, it is often considered as a comfort food. The texture is soft and a little bland taste, the chicken team's rice is suitable for small children. When served, it is often decorated with turquoise leaves and leeks.

Those are the eight variety of dishes made from poultry meat. Are there any of the above dishes that you have never tasted?

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