JAKARTA - Aditya Zoni again revealed his brother's current condition after the sad news of their father, Suhendri Zoni, passed away on Saturday, January 20 due to a long heart cancer.
Aditya Zoni revealed that his brother was in a slumped and stressed. Ammar had given a message to him to strengthen each other as brothers and sisters.
"It's really low, he's really stressed, isn't it. Bang Ammar also said, 'We are brothers, brothers and sisters, we have to strengthen each other'," said Aditya Zoni in the Depok area, West Java, Tuesday, January 23.
Seeing this, Aditya promised he would visit his brother more often in detention every week. The reason is that Adit's time is now looser after completing his campaign period and taking care of his father in the hospital.
"So every week I will come, support after all, brother," said Aditya.
"Yesterday, I didn't come because I took care of you, the electoral district, so it was a bit difficult for Ammar yesterday. Now it's okay, I can a bit," he continued.
Aditya hopes that with this plan, Ammar will not feel alone in dealing with his life problems ranging from divorce to drug cases that he is facing.
"With our presence there, we have also given strength to Ammar. It means that his younger siblings are there, we are there. So, for example, you don't have to be afraid yourself because after all we are brothers and sisters, they are there," he concluded.
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