YOGYAKARTA - Fruits and vegetables should be included in your daily menu. Adults are recommended to consume 400,600 grams of fruit and vegetables every day. However, when is the best time to eat fruit so that you can fulfill it?

You can eat fruit at any time. There are no special provisions when you should eat fruit. You may be used to eating fruit at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This is fine as long as you can meet the needs of consuming fruits every day.

However, you need to recognize how the digestive process of fruit in the body. There are certain conditions where you should avoid eating fruit because of this process.

Most fruits have fructose-shaped carbohydrates. Since the first bite, the mouth will produce enzymes that break carbohydrates into easier substances in cerna. The carbohydrate-breaking enzyme works when the fruit that has been crushed penetrates the acidic stomach.

The process of breaking carbohydrates will take place again in the organs of the soft intestines to produce glucose that is easier for the body to absorb. Fructures in fruit are actually simple carbohydrates such as glucose.

However, that does not mean the body can digest the fruit faster than other foods. The reason is, there is still fiber in the fruit that can slow down the digestive process.

When Is An Inappropriate Time To Eat Fruit?

If you look at the digestive process of the fruit, you should rethink if you want to eat fruit at the following times.

1. Before Exercising

You may want to consume more vegetables and fruit more if you take a sports program and a healthy diet.

However, you should not consume high fiber fruits if you want to exercise. The body takes longer to process the fiber in the fruit.

If you exercise in a full stomach state by fiber, this matter can actually cause digestive disorders. So, give it between about 2'3 hours before you exercise.

2. Before bed

Hours before bed is not the best time to eat anything, including fruit. Sugar content in fruit will increase blood sugar.

As a response to this, the pancreas then released insulin to protect the stability of your blood sugar. The increase in insulin production will reduce the number of melatonin, namely hormones that function in the sleep cycle.

If you want to eat fruit before bed, give it for about 3 hours so that the body can rest for a maximum.

3. During Diarrhea

Fruits can indeed help improve digestion. However, you may need to stay away from this when you have diarrhea.

In some circumstances, excessive consumption of fruit can even worsen the complaints you have experienced during diarrhea.

Diarrhea is more at risk if you consume low-fiber fruit and high- sugar fruit that can increase the frequency of bowel movements (BAB).

Di bawah ini berbagai myth terhitung waktu terbaik untuk mengonsumsi buah serta faktanya.

1. Can't Eat Fruit In The Morning When The Stomach Is Empty

Eating breakfast is like breaking the fast after you guys don't eat anything for 8 hours. Eating fruits actually gives you energy quickly because the contents of the simple carbohydrates inside are easier to digest.

However, a good breakfast for the recommendations of the Indonesian Ministry of Health consists of carbohydrates, protein, and fat with a balance amount. So, if you just eat fruit for breakfast, you may soon feel hungry again.

2. If You Only Eat Fruit, The Agency Will Focus On Processing Nutrition

The human body works with a very unique method, as well as the digestive system. When eating enters your digestive system, the body will release the digestive enzyme according to the type of nutrients you want to use.

In other words, your digestive system has been designed to process various types of nutrients at the same time. So, there is not one type of food that only contains one nutritional substance.

In addition, you know the best time to drink infused Water to make your life healthier.

So after knowing the best time to eat fruit, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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