JAKARTA - The couple Andrew White and Nana Mirdad said they had just found a baby dumped in a bush near their house. Andrew and Nana share this story and the process of how they fight for the baby to survive.

Initially, Nana received a report from her household assistant, Tika who found a baby in the bush. Then, Nana and Tika and Andrew took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Andrew White uploaded Nana Mirdad who was calling to take care of the baby they had just reported to the Social Service.

"My wife is amazingly doing great things for little Bella," Andrew White wrote in English.

Bella is the name of the baby that Nana found yesterday. The name Bella was given by Tika and then delivered by Nana Mirdad.

"Thank you very much for all the prayers and attention to BELLA, as soon as the little baby was named by Tika, the inventor," wrote Nana Mirdad.

Knowing that Nana Mirdad was in the spotlight, Andrew White explained that what found Tika as their household assistant.

"Thank you for all the prayers and words, we appreciate it but we did what any other person would do," wrote Andrew White.

"Actually, Ms. Tika is the real hero. She is the one who finds and saves Bella from the bushes. Please include her in your thoughts, yes," continued Andrew White.

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