JAKARTA - Artist Cinta Laura revealed that she has not thought about plans to get married even though she has been in a relationship with Arya Vasco de Haan some time ago.

Cinta said that this is the influence of modern times that have given freedom to women in pursuing dreams. Finally, this affects his love life.

"We are very happy that we now live in a modern world where women are increasingly given the freedom to pursue their dreams," said Cinta Laura in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, recently.

"So for me, if there are friends out there who want careers and family, I am very happy for them, someone wants family, it's also their own decision," he continued.

This 30-year-old woman openly revealed that she did not make marriage a priority but her career.

"If it's for me personally, as far as I'm working, for now my career will always be a priority. Even though I have a personal life too, I don't really want that," said Cinta Laura.

Love is still relaxed regarding the issue of marriage because he wants to force it. The reason is that he is not forced by the environment to get married immediately.

"Whatever happens, let it just flow, let it just happen, because things like that should not be forced. I also thank God because I have the freedom to think, be financially, I don't have pressure to do certain things at a certain age, I can enjoy my life and enjoy my passion and work," he concluded.

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