JAKARTA - Bryan Domani will try out the horror genre for the first time after a long career. He became the main character in the film Temurun directed by Inarah Syarafina.

This film also marks Bryan's latest project with Sinemaku. According to Bryan, his production house, which is fronted by Prilly Latuconsina and Umay Shahab, is very different.

"You could say a different production house. And why I ended up taking horror that I didn't want before, because everything was made by young people who were still looking for things," said Bryan Domani at the 2024 Sinemaku Day in Gandaria, South Jakarta today, Wednesday, January 10.

"Still hungry, what can I do for Indonesian films. And when I found out the director was indirect, I said yes," he said.

The process of the film Temurun is still going through the pre-production stage and so far Bryan Domani is enjoying the process.

"It's fun! Usually we read, read but this is really a discussion. What I like from Indirection and Umay (Shahab) is the type of director who hears first. If it fits, take it, if not, that's fine," explained Bryan Domani.

"I've had three projects with Sinemaku Pictures and nothing has let me down so far and hopefully this too," he said.

The film Temurun will be Sinemaku's first production and is planned to air this year.

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