What a Dream, Here are 9 Signs That Your Love Relationship is Strong and Healthy
Illustration of the sign of a strong and healthy love relationship (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA – Strong and healthy romantic relationships are built from various aspects. Not only mutual respect and emotional intimacy, but also how two people in a romantic relationship can feel how meaningful they are to each other. It is important to understand that a strong and healthy relationship does not mean there are no problems. But how do you and your partner find the right solution. According to psychologist and author Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., the following are signs of a strong and healthy romantic relationship.

1. Communication

Communication that builds satisfying relationships is honest and open. If you and your partner can express your thoughts, feelings, and needs without fear of being judged, that's a positive sign. This means that you and your partner do not put each other down or are in a mutually constructive communication pattern.

2. Emotionally connected

Bernstein said many patients come to him in counseling sessions, complaining that they have lost their sense of connection with their partners. This is a sign that the romantic relationship is not strong and healthy. On the other hand, being emotionally connected to your partner is very important. It is characterized by feeling understanding, support, and deep intimacy with your partner.

Illustration of signs of a strong and healthy romantic relationship (Freepik)

3. Respect

Respect in a romantic relationship is important. If both people in a couple respect each other, it means recognizing boundaries, listening to opinions, and respecting each other's individuality. This contributes to a healthy and satisfying relationship.

4. Have shared goals and values

Couples who have shared goals and values ​​will create unity. Apart from that, it also creates harmony in fundamental aspects. It also supports satisfaction in relationships.

5. Create a mutually supportive environment

Satisfying relationships support each other. If your partner supports your personal growth, and is always there when challenges arise, that is meaningful.

Illustration of signs of a strong and healthy romantic relationship (Freepik/drobotdean)

6. Physical intimacy

Physical intimacy is an important aspect of many romantic relationships. If both partners are satisfied with the level of physical intimacy and feel a connection through it, this contributes to satisfaction.

7. Quality time

Spending quality time together is very important. If you both prioritize and enjoy spending time together, it adds to overall relationship satisfaction.

8. Enables individual growth and independence

Rather than being protective and limiting, strong and healthy romantic relationships allow for each individual's growth. Apart from that, healthy relationships also allow each person to be independent individually. Even though they have personal goals, mutual support makes a big contribution to a complete relationship.

9. Able to resolve conflicts

If you and your partner resolve conflicts respectfully and find solutions together, this indicates a healthy relationship. According to Bernstein, how you handle conflict is very important. This means not being selfish but finding solutions together to overcome problems.

In closing the explanation of the signs of a strong and healthy romantic relationship, it is important to understand one thing. Overall happiness in relationships is important for well-being. When love fades, it is important to support each other to rekindle the warm fire of love.

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