Disney Copyright Officially Ends, Mickey's Mouse Trap Trailer Released
Mickey Mouse Trap (screenshot)

JAKARTA - A slasher film called Mickey's Mouse Trap launched the movie trailer for the first time. This later became a public question about Disney's copyright for the Mickey Mouse character.

As it turns out, Mickey Mouse will become a public domain as of 2024. So far they have been a part of Disney after Mickey and Minnie Mouse's story in Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie in 1928 was released.

The classic story will later be available for use in various aspects, both books and films and not limited to Disney alone.

The trailer for the Mickey's Mouse Trap film features a different Mickey Mouse character than the usual image. Now he is transformed into a killer who wears a mask to hunt children in the world of play.

The story focuses on Alex celebrating his 21st birthday, but he's stuck in a gaming arena because of his job. His friends wanted to surprise Alex until they met a masked killer wearing a Mickey Mouse mask.

This killer decides to get his friends into a game that will also save Alex. The film was directed by Jamie Bailey and written by Simon Philips. The story is inspired by the horror game Infestation 88.

Launching Variety, this is one of Mickey's modern versions that is not affected by Steamboat Willie's copyright. Disney said that later Mickey Mouse would still be appointed as the global ambassador of their company.

"Mickey will continue to serve as a global ambassador to Walt Disney Company in our stories, attractions, and merchandise", Disney representatives said.

"We will, of course, continue to protect our rights in the modern version of Mickey Mouse and other copyright-related projects and we will work to protect consumers from confusion caused by unauthorized use of Mickey and other of our iconic character," the company added.

Hal tersebut juga dijelaskan dalam trailer film Mickey's Mouse Trap. Mereka menulis, TERINGAN: INI bukan FILM atau PRODUKSI DISNEY. INI TIDAK TERLIBAT ATAU DIENDORSE OLEH DISNEY PADA PALAPA pun.

This film only uses the Steam Boat Willie Mickey Mouse as a public domain. Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie entered the public domain on January 1, 2024 yesterday.

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