YOGYAKARTA The impact of living near the SUTET (Extra High Voltage Air Channel) needs to be considered, especially for those of you who plan to build a residence near the SUTET tower.

For information, SUTET is a medium for electricity distribution used by the State Electricity Company (PLN), in the form of cables with electricity voltage reaching 500kV.

SUTER has an important role in terms of electricity distribution from power plants to remote areas. Although its function is very important, living in a house close to the SUTET has various risks.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, January 1, 2024, here are some negative impacts living near the SUTET that you need to know:

1. Increase the risk of being struck by lightning

Originally, the establishment of the SUTET tower was equipped with a lightning rod. However, buildings that are too close to the SUTET tower remain at risk of being struck by lightning.

Therefore, it is important to anticipate the impact of living near this SUTET.

Related to this, you are advised to build housing with a safe distance that has been determined in the regulations.

Based on Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Number 18 of 2015 concerning Minimum Free Space and Free Distance on SUTETs, a safe distance to build a house to avoid the negative impact of living near the SUTET is 4 to 22 meters, depending on the type and capacity.

2. Have a risk of collapse

If the construction of the SUTET tower is in accordance with the rules, this risk is unlikely. However, there is still a risk that the SUTET tower will collapse due to strong winds or other things, such as the theft of iron from the SUTET tower.

3. Experiencing various health problems

SUTET is thought to cause various health problems. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by SUTET is thought to cause various diseases such as:

That's information about the impact of living near the SUTET. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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