JAKARTA - Recently, Pinkan Mambo announced his marriage to a cassava trader named Arya Khan with a dowry of Rp. 100,000.

Pinkan conveyed his daughter Michelle Ashley's response, who apparently had not given her blessing for her mother's marriage.

"Michelle just doesn't seem to have approved. She doesn't want to come. Maybe she hopes that I will get back with her father," said Pinkan Mambo, quoted by VOI from YouTube TransTV, Friday, December 29.

On another occasion, Michelle, who was invited to a television program, said that she knew about the marriage from TikTok social media. He was even surprised by the news.

"I just found out via TikTok. Because yes, I haven't had any contact with my mother at all. But if for example, it's like being told or not. So, that's also shocking news for me," said Michelle recently.

Even so, Michelle hopes that Pinkan Mambo will indeed marry someone who is right and can take care of him and his younger siblings. In addition, he also plays a role so that his mother's partner does not have a bad influence on each other.

"What I hope is that he will get a good man who can take care of him and my family too. And can educate my younger siblings too. And also don't have a bad influence on each other. And the important thing is that it is right and loyal," he concluded.

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