JAKARTA - Morgan Oey called the Other Husband's project a dream come true. For a long time he wanted to collaborate with John de Rantau and Acha Septriasa, one of Indonesia's best actresses. The opportunity to wait finally came too.

This is my first time collaborating with John de Rantau. The first time I played acting with Acha Septriasa. He is very professional and detailed in character assassination. Chemistry with Acha is created organically, as if he is not acting. He really passions to cut his hair to bring Olivia's character to life," Morgan Oey said at a media conference, Tuesday, December 26.

Morgan Oey is optimistic that Other Husbands will give other colors to the domestic film industry, which has been dominated by the horror genre in recent years.

The title of the film is very tempting and curious. Other Husbands carry couple dramas. More mature with real conflict sparks, close to the community. I am optimistic that this film will give new breath to Indonesian cinemas," he concluded.

While playing Jordy, Omar Daniel was attracted to the project of Another Husband because Jordy's character played had a very strong character.

"Of course I feel because I have the challenges of playing this Jordi character, starting from the gradation of the emotional color which looks so different from when Jordi first introduced himself until the end of the story. I feel that this is a challenge that I have never had before, an opportunity to explore the character more deeply," he said.

Acha admitted that he was interested from the start with the scenario of Another Husband. "I feel a loss if I don't play, at that time the male actor had not met. I feel a loss because there are rarely Indonesian films whose dramas are complex like this, I loudly say yes, basically," he said.

Paired with two young actors, Acha takes on the role of protector. Moreover, these two actors were only chosen after Acha expressed his willingness to be involved. So there is no way back.

"If you play a role, you have to be honest, you can say with other actors I am a woman who protects and it is easier to act with Morgan Oey and Omar Daniel," he recalled.

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