JAKARTA - The name Alfito Deannova Ginting immediately became a conversation. After news anchor from one of the television stations was lined up to be the moderator of the first round of the Vice Presidential Candidate debate. Which will be canceled on Friday, December 22 tonight.

Even though he is no longer young, Alfito Deannova's handsomeness seems to have not faded. This man who was born in Jakarta is already very well known in the world of television news. Because he has become a news anchor on several TV stations.

Let's take a peek at what the portrait of Alfito Deannova always appears to be a charismatic VOI summarized from his Instagram @alfitodeannovagintings.

Having a career in the world of news anchors has made Alfito close to high-ranking figures in the country. Alfito Deannova has chatted hundreds of times with ministers, director generals, and other important people in the world of politics. During a casual interview, Alfito prefers to appear casual with a black shirt and cloth pants.

It's different when he was a speaker at an event sharing and training session. He wore a neat outfit in the form of a suit, white shirt, and pants matching the suit. Wrapped in a neat look makes Deannova Alfito's charisma shine even more.

When wearing a batik shirt, Alfito Deannova's style is maximum handsome. He even looked more modest. At that time he attended an event at the DPR RI building.

While on vacation with his wife, Alfito Deannova's style looks compact. He and his wife appeared in a thick black jacket.

Attending the evening of Anugerah Media Public Relations as a judge, Alfito wore a blue shirt top and Bali men's head accessories, Undeng. Because, the event was held in Nusa Dua, Bali. Alfito's knot smile is really charismatic.

Relaxed photos while riding a motorbike. Alfito smiled while driving around the Lombok Mandalika Circuit.

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