Dewi Perssik's 37th Birthday Claims To Forget To Make Yourself Happy
Dewi Perssik (Instagram @dewiperssik9)

JAKARTA - The singer of Dewi Perssik has just celebrated the 37th anniversary. At this new age, DePe, her nickname, admitted that she was more grateful for the blessings that had been received.

However, now DePe is praying more for happiness for herself, because she feels that all this time she has forgotten to make herself happy.

"Yes, 37 years, the numbers are quite a lot, yes, I am grateful to Allah, all the blessings have been given, I just got back, I said earlier that I have forgotten my happiness," said Dewi Perssik in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 19.

"I can make other people happy I can make other people laugh sometimes I forget about my own happiness," he continued.

Therefore, Aldi Taher's ex-wife admits that she wants to focus more on pursuing the happiness of herself at this new age.

"Maybe at this age I should be grateful for my struggles so far that I have tried to make my family. One of them must have happiness for me, that's all I want to pursue," he said.

Furthermore, DePe also expressed his gratitude for the health he received until he was 37 years old, not only his body but mentally and also his feelings.

"Last year I was also alone, maybe there is nothing different. It's just a different number, but I am grateful for my body which is very strong with my body," he explained.

"Obviously the mental feelings of dealing with anything that has happened in life. So that's the only thing that keeps me going," he concluded.

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