Different Kolonoscopy And Endoscopy, Examination To Check Conditions On Cerna Channels
Illustration (Photo: Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA In modern medicine, coronascopy and endoscopy examinations are often used to diagnose various health problems in the digestive tract. These two examination procedures both involve insertion of flexible tubes with cameras and lights at the end into the body. So, what are the different coronascopy and endoscopy? Check out the full information below.

1. Definition

colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine large intestines and rectums. This procedure can also be used to detect colon cancer from an early age.

While endoscopy is an inspection procedure carried out by inserting a thin long tube equipped with a camera at the end of the tube into the body, quoted from Ai Care.

Examination of endoscopy aims to observe the organs or tissues in the body in detail, especially the upper part of the core channel. With endoscopy, doctors can detect various problems in gastrointestinal, including boils, inflammation, and abnormal growth.

2. Tool

The tool used for the examination of colonoscopy is called a collonoscope, which is a long and flexible hose with a video camera at the end.

Meanwhile, the endoscopic examination was carried out with a special tool called an endoscope, namely a tube-shaped device equipped with a flashlight and camera at the end.

3. Procedure

The collonoscopy examination procedure is carried out by inserting a collonoscope tube equipped with a camera into the anus or rectum and pushed into the large intestine.

At the same time, the air will be pumped through a collonoscope tube so that the intestine expands and the intestinal wall can be clearly visible on the monitor.

After the end of the columnoscope reaches the opening of the small intestine, the doctor will pull the tube out slowly while examining the large intestine once again.

Meanwhile, in the endoscopic procedure, the endoscope tube is inserted by the mouth and into the concavity or through an incision made specifically on the skin. Before the endoscopy is done, the patient will be given an anesthetic. The anesthetic given can be in the form of local anesthetic or general anesthetic, depending on the type of endoscopy that the patient will update.

The camera installed at the end of the endoscope tube will send an image to the monitor layer so that doctors can see the condition of the body's organs being examined.

4. Function

In general, the coronascopy examination carried out through the rectum functions:

While endooscopic checks have some of the following functions:

That's information about different endoscopy and colonoscopy. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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