Grounding Exercise Tips Using 5 Indras To Eliminate Anxiety
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JAKARTA - Grounding techniques are strategies that help connect or 'ground' you to be present today. Basically, grounding is a form of mindfulness or awareness exercise. Which has been shown to help improve various mental health conditions.

A review of major 2014 studies with nearly 19,000 studies concluded that. Mindfull-based stress reduction programs can relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and pain.

Experts believe that grounding techniques, in particular, help break away from emotional pain, reported by Psych Central, Tuesday, December 12. So you can better regulate emotions. Grounding encourages you to pause from negative thoughts that cause anxiety, until you feel completely calm.

Grounding methods for overcoming anxiety are different from other relaxation exercises because these methods are highly focused on overcoming disorders and calming extreme emotions. A small study in 2015 found that with grounding exercises for one hour. It can help improve moods in people with anxiety and depression disorders.

The additional benefit of grounding techniques is that it can be done at any time, without anyone else knowing that you are doing healing techniques.

One of the popular grounding techniques is the 5-4-3-2-1 method. This is how to fundamentally train the senses, according to Karin Gepp, PsyD.

First, start with a simple deep breathing exercise called the 5-5-5 method. The trick, inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 seconds.

You can continue this process until the mind slows down or you feel relieved. If you can realize your breath, try practicing the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. Where, you need to focus on things like;

The engineering idea 5-4-3-2-1 helps you shift focus on what's going on around you, not on what makes you feel anxious.

Focusing on each sense is a simple way of diverting attention from thoughts that may cause anxiety.

Consider choosing some exercises for each sense and try to focus your whole attention on what you're feeling.


You can select large or small items to focus on. Once you select an object, try paying attention to the color, texture, and pattern.


Enabling the sense of touch can help distract you from anxiety thoughts and can help reduce physical signs of anxiety.

Here are the things you can try to do;


Focusing on external sounds can help you live in the moment of the present.

Here are some sounds to pay attention to;


To put the sense of smell into the grounding technique, you can try the following tips, such as;


Try to choose something that's easy for you to stick to, like;

Actually, there is no need to taste this food if you are not available around you while grounding therapy. However, you can try thinking of a different taste from each food when you remember it.

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