YOGYAKARTA Value becomes a reference in attitude, acting, and making decisions. According to psychological research, value is a fundamental belief that guides a person's choice and behavior. This is also a basic principle that affects how we view and interact with the surrounding world.

Value is not a fixed, but dynamical, and can be formed with experience, relationships, and reflection. Research also shows, education, self-reflection, and engagement with various perspectives affect the growing values. Plus, research has also found strong correlations between living with values and psychological well-being. Launching the explanation of the professor of psychology at the University of Maryland, Dr. Jessica Koehler, in line with the values associated with living satisfaction, self-esteem, and positive influence are greater. To that end, try to align with the values related to psychological well-being below.

Integrity or compliance with moral principles and ethics is the basis of human behavior. Growing integrity begins with self-awareness. Choose honesty consciously, even if it is uncomfortable or troublesome. Train consistency between words and actions, and account for yourself personally and professionally.

The ability to understand and share other people's feelings is called empathy which plays an important role in building meaningful relationships and fostering affection. To cultivate empathy, train to listen actively, pay full attention to your parents, and try to understand their point of view without judging. Get involved in activities that expose you to different perspectives and experiences, such as reading various literature or becoming a volunteer in public services.

Resilience refers to the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity. Launching Psychology Today, Monday, December 11, research underscores the importance of resilience, especially with regard to mental health, success, and overall well-being. Techniques for this defense, you may have done but are not aware of the value it contains. Activities such as self-care, building networks, increasing attention, and stress management contribute to resilience.

Authenticity involves honesty to oneself and expressing feelings, thoughts, and values sincerely. Authenticity requires a deep understanding of oneself, including understanding personal strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, and motivations.

Praktik mengakui dan menghormati aspek positif dalam kehidupan, disebut rasa Syukur, yang telah banyak ditudi dalam psikologi. Rasa bersyukur membantu membangun kesejahteraan, kesehatan fisik, hingga hubungan baik dengan orang terdekat.

Openness of mind, involves consideration from various perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Openness of this mind, can be trained by listening without judging, willing to question personal beliefs, and dig different points of view. In addition, openness of the mind can also be built with many dialogues with others.

The responsibility refers to accountability for the actions taken and the consequences. The value of responsibility, can be nurtured by recognizing personal efforts and their impacts. In building this value, it is important to set realistic goals. That way, the consequences that are borne contribute positively to both yourself and the community.

Showing kindness, concern, and compassion for others is very beneficial for individuals and society. Welas compassion or affection can be nurtured through empathy and active concern. For example, being a volunteer, helping people in need, and practicing kindness. In addition, mindfulness meditation also helps foster a compassion attitude.

Justice means treating others fairly, equivalently, and without bias. Psychological research emphasizes the importance of justice in increasing trust, cooperation, and social harmony. Promoting justice by actively recognizing and challenging personal bias. Strive to make fair and equal decisions and oppose discrimination and injustice. Encouraging diverse perspectives and treating all individuals with respect and equality.

Lifetime learning refers to commitments to sustainable personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and skills throughout life. Embrace challenges as an opportunity to learn. There are many ways to always learn throughout life, in addition to reading, asking questions, maintaining an intellectually humble attitude is also done to always develop.

According to Koehler, the values were not implanted overnight. But trying to be aware and practice consistently by always being committed, the values mentioned above will affect actions and decisions in a positive impact on psychological well-being.

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