In Addition To Effective For Relaxation, These 5 Types Of Tea Healthy The Brain
Illustration of effective type of tea to nourish the brain (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Drinking tea is a daily habit that turns out to be calming. In addition to calming, certain types of tea are considered to be able to nourish the brain. Certain drinks and foods contain micronutrients and macronutrients that are beneficial to the brain. In addition to being selective in choosing food and drinks, eating consciously also makes positive changes in the diet. This method is also considered calming and helps you adjust to the body's intelligence. Well, about effective types of tea to nourish the brain, here's a list as well as a brief explanation.

Green tea is rich in amino acids, a dopamine addition called L-theaneine. L-theanine is a unique amino acid found in tea plants. This content enhances alpha's brain waves, lowers stimulated chemicals in the brain, enhances soothing brain chemicals. In general, sipping green tea is a great way to relax and be far from stress.

Chamomile is an aster flower-like flower-like flower from the Asteraceae plant family. Chamomile flowers have been consumed for centuries as a natural medicine for some health conditions. Some studies show chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, consult your doctor before trying this tea.

lavender's essence has been shown in several studies to reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and reduce stress feelings by increasing dopamine production and reducing cortisol levels. Lavender also contains many anti-inflammatory compounds. Launching mbgfood, Sunday, December 10, psychiatrists and nutritionists like to brew lavender tisane from dry lavender, hot water, and sometimes fresh mint leaves or lemon slices.

Kunyit tea is a drink that helps the brain perform normally because of its active ingredients. Kunyit contains kurcumin, which is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neurotropic. Studies show that kurmin is associated with increasing attention, overall cognition, and memory. When you prepare turmeric tea, always add fresh pepper into the mixture. Called goldMilk made with turmeric is also a delicious and soothing treat.

At first glance lemon balm is similar to mint leaves but different. This plant has the scientific name Melissa officinalis which belongs to a family of mint leaves. According to the study, it shows that lemon balm reduces interaction with several brain neurotransmitters that cause anxiety, including serotonin and acetylcolin. In addition, lemon balm is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Mixing lemon balm tea is beneficial for protecting neurons from oxidative stress and reducing chronic inflammation.

The five types of tea that make the brain healthy above, you can brew yourself at home. But it is important to pay attention to every change that occurs in health conditions. If you have to take daily medicine, consult your personal doctor first before regularly brewing the five types of tea above.

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