YOGYAKARTA A functional, or popular, thick sneakers are known asANGky sneakers, a trend from decades ago to the present. Although the fashion world has always developed, the variations and innovations of this model of shoes with thick soles, are unquestionablely decorating the legs of modern people.

Chunky sneakers are also known as dad sneaker' which has been popular in the fashion world since the 1990s. Quickly, this shoe model is popular in society. Thisbagky sneakers model is recognized by its thick and large sol and has a bold design. This model shoe also presents striking changes from its slim to minimalist visuals. But it's important to know, MONEY sneakers are functional footwear. In addition to being used for athletic activities, such as basketball, jogging, to gyms, these shoes also provide optimal support and comfort on the feet.

The term "tunky" describes the core of these sneakers, as it refers to the appearance of its sol that is not hidden. Although the top of the shoe may feature a variety of materials and designs, its protruding soles and attracting attention are the ones that definechokingnky shoe styles. This unique aesthetic has won the hearts of fashion fans and celebrities, making these shoes timeless trends.

These shoes are suitable for everything in the season. Because based on the design it is made weather resistant. In addition, it is also included in the style of dress, whether casual to look elegant or combined with feminine clothing. Whether it's a brand that wears Hoka to New Balance or a local Indonesian product, such as 910, for stylized guidance wearing a mockky sneakers model, here are the tips.

If you want to look feminine in a dress or dress, you can wearighty footwear. But it's important to note, don't wear a longer dress. Choose a dress that falls on your shoes. If you wear a maxi dress, a dress with a high hemisphere is suitable for wearing with thick solt sneakers. Well, if the dress is patterned with courage, wear a matching shoe motif in a solid color like black, white, or gray.

Winky sneakers have many choices. Starting from a striking color that contrasts, but there is also a sweet color. For that, it is important to consider the combination of theoufit color with your footwear. For example, if you wear a white top and bottom, it is the most harmonious if you wear dumply footwear in a solid or more colorful color.

These two popular outfits are just as popular as MONEY sneakers. These two popular outfits can be matched. But it's important to choose the right top. Or at least impress a neutral style. A flannel shirt, for example, which is boxy or plain so thick as to make a casual impression but still looks classy.

Launching Trends Outfit, Monday, December 4, comfort is a prerequisite for wearing each outfit. Whether it's used for formal events or your sports activities, comfort needs to be considered. One way to choose a comfortable outfit, is to pay attention to the size of the fit. If the size is right and your movement is flexible, then it doesn't limit your activities. Especially wearing thick sole shoes like MONEY sneakers.

If you wear an oversized top, it's right to mix it with functional sneakers such as MONEY sneakers. In fact, these model shoes are cute when combined with skirts or shorts.

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