JAKARTA - Not long ago his divorce trial was granted by the West Jakarta Religious Court, Virgoun through his attorney, Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno said that his client had appealed to the court, one of which was related to the royalty of his song to Inara Rusli.

"Because there are several things that we disagree with the decision from the West Jakarta Religious Court, there are several things, three or four items. One of them is royalties," said Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno at the South Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, Friday, November 24.

On another occasion, Inara tried to explain that the demands for royalties did not do it carelessly, but had gone through discussions and also considered together with her legal team.

"Because submitting it's not the origin, yes, I initially consulted with a lawyer, or if this song was filed in a lawsuit, and the lawyer said I could and if it was granted it was the first time in Indonesia," said Inara Rusli in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, recently.

Furthermore, he explained that the four songs he chose, namely Love Letter to Starla, Evidence, Goodbye and the same person, were submitted to the court in accordance with Virgoun's statement to the media crew that he and his children were the inspirations in the song.

"So it is appropriate, why did I choose the four songs, because of his statement (Virgoun) in front of the media crew, he took the source of inspiration from myself and the children," said Inara.

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