JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari or BCL officially married Tiko Aryawardhana on Saturday, December 2, 2023 in Bali. This wedding was attended by the family and closest relatives of the two parties starting from the consent process.
"Ananda Tiko Pradipta Aryawardhana bin Haji Otis Aryana Prawiradinata, I marry you and marry you to my biological child named Bunga Citra Lestari with a dowry of a set of prayers and metals starting at 212 grams paid in cash," Muchlis Rusli, BCL's father told Tiko.
"I accept the marriage of Bunga Citra Lestari bint Muchlis Rusli by marrying a set of prayer tools and precious metals of 212 grams paid in cash," said Tiko Aryawardhana.
BCL confirmed the news through a video footage of the marriage contract process which he uploaded through his Instagram account.
He narrated that initially, he and his son, Noah Sinclair had time to think if they would find happiness. Until a man came and made a smile between them and made BCL free of pain.
In the video, the Ashraf family who was also present also could not help but feel emotional to see BCL's happiness. He also thanked Tiko because his presence could heal the sadness and hurt in him and Noah.
"I deserve love and happiness," said one of Bunga Citra Lestari's narratives.
Bunga Citra Lestari and Tiko meet in 2021 and establish a relationship until engaged in 2022. This is the second marriage for them after going through the first household stage.
BCL was married to Ashraf Sinclair in 2008. Ashraf died in 2020. Unlike Tiko, who was married and divorced his wife.
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