YOGYAKARTA someone who experiences anxiety needs support from those closest to them. If your romantic partner experiences it, then you can calm down and provide support in the following way.

If you are a husband, wife, girlfriend, lover, or partner, it's important to realize that you are not a therapist. Therefore it is unfair to force your idea of how your partner should behave when experiencing anxiety. To calm him down, tell your partner that you want him to feel better because you love him.

When a partner is afraid of anxiety, it may feel irrational or bad for you. However, don't explain that he doesn't need to be afraid. According to tips by writer Hi, Anxiety: Life With a Bad Case of Nerves, Kat Kinsman, as reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, November 16, consider asking your partner why the situation is experiencing triggering anxiety. Avoid judging and better being a good listener.

Treating a partner like a fragile child creates unhealthy dynamics in a relationship. In addition, people who are anxious are quite responsive and will feel something is wrong. So let your lover know what really happened and set expectations.

Everyone views happiness differently. Your partner may also look differently at happiness with your perspective. So accepting a different perspective is important and helps calm your partner down.

Often one of the fear of people who are engaged is that they cannot be loved just because they are anxious. Therefore, when an anxious attack hits, make sure your partner feels safe.

If you have to attend certain events along with your partner's panic attacks, it's important to keep living life as usual. But keep in mind, you must make sure your partner is safe and comfortable at home. In addition, if you go alone and many people wonder where your partner is going, just say simple reasons, for example, you're not feeling well.

You may have the idea of easing your partner's anxiety. But be open even if you don't agree. Or ask questions that give your partner a chance to tell more stories and be a good listener, Kinsman tips.

The above is a calming tip for couples who are anxious. If anxiety attacks interfere with daily activities, it is important to consult a mental health professional, such as a therapist or clinical psychologist.

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