JAKARTA - Happy to receive the second grandson of Aurel Hermansyah, Ashanty Hermansyah actually vented that she could not sleep well through her Instagram story. In the upload, the wife of Anang Hermansyah asked for a doctor's recommendation and therapy that could help her sleep well.

"Guys, I really need information, whether a doctor or therapy to sleep?? Insomnia/can't sleep at all just merem, never deep sleep?" wrote Ashanty Hermansyah quoted by VOI from Instagram @ashanty_ash, Monday, November 13.

Ashanty admitted that she had tried the suggestions her followers had said many times. In fact, he has even tried various supplements for this sleep problem.

"Almost 90 percent of your comments have been made, doctors and therapy are all that you call 'I've come... supplements and medicines are even all over," he continued.

The mother, continued from Aurel Hermansyah, explained that this happened not because she had a lot of thoughts, but lately she feels very happy.

"If people always say there are definitely many thoughts, I still don't have any thoughts at all, instead I'm happy with this," continued Ashanty.

He hopes that his followers on Instagram who have the same problems as him can quickly get a solution. Ashanty said this because for him experiencing difficulty sleeping is very suffering.

"But there are some comments that I want to try because a lot of people come in and give input. Hopefully, those of you who are experiencing something like me can also get a solution, well... honestly not sleeping really suffers, it's like life but not living," he said.

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