YOGYAKARTA Coconut oil can be used for a variety of treatments, ranging from easing burns to for beauty treatments. Coconut oil contains monoglycerides and laurat acid. The content is antibacterial and antiviral. In addition, it is also useful to improve the skin and reduce transpedermal water loss. More specifically, here are the benefits of coconut oil for care and beauty.

If dry air makes the skin cracky or scaly, then coconut oil can be relied on to overcome it. Coconut oil can help hydrate effectively so that it makes the skin feel soft, moist, and smooth. According to LoGerfo, a specialist in nursing and practitioners of family nurses, you can apply coconut oil when the skin is still slightly moist after bathing. This helps lock the moisture.

In addition to Krupa Koestline, a chemical and cosmetic expert reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, November 8, pure coconut oil is proven to reduce inflammation and has the potential to cure wounds. This is thanks to the content of polyphenols and triglycerides in coconut oil that helps calm, fight itching, and can be applied to eczema, rashes, and wounds.

Coconut oil is a good emolient to form a layer on the hair stem and seal the moisture in it. If your hair is easily tangled, it can be smoothed with coconut oil. However, in order not to be heavy, just apply it to the tip of the hair that is the dryest after that, bebat with a warm towel for 15 minutes until overnight. Finally, rinse your hair until it's clean.

Dry Kutikula reduces the beauty of nails. Not to mention if it's too dry it breaks and gets injured. To overcome this, take advantage of coconut oil by applying it to a dry part before going to bed. Massage gently and you will feel your fingers relaxed and your quartics and nails are getting damper and more beautiful.

Few people know that brushing teeth with coconut oil can prevent the risk of gum disease and dental damage. According to board-certified cosmetic dentist Kevin mulai, research shows that coconut oil can reduce plaque buildup. He suggests mixing six tablespoons of coconut oil with four tablespoons of cake soda to make pasta. Then you can use it twice to three times a week to brush your teeth.

Coconut oil can break oil which means it can remove oil-based makeup. LoGerfo suggests that removing makeup is ideal for coconut oil because there is little risk of irritation in sensitive skin. How to use it, apply it to the palm of the hand and then massage on the area of the face that is made up. Align it with cotton and finally, wash your face as usual.

Coconut oil is useful as a good and cheap moisturizer for rough, dry, and inflatable feet. Broken tumites can also be overcome with this natural material. LoGerfo advises, make sure to wear socks after applying coconut oil to your feet. This ensures that you don't slip because it is slippery and helps absorb oil optimally.

Coconut oil is also easy, easy, and good to deal with broken lips. But it's important to pay attention, if you have oily facial skin, make sure to avoid using too much coconut oil or not use it at all. This is because heavy oil can cause clogged pores and is prone to acne.

Those are the seven benefits of coconut oil for care and beauty. Interested in utilizing this natural ingredient to maintain skin beauty or comprehensive care such as the explanation above?

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