YOGYAKARTA - A female fertility test is carried out to determine the health condition of the reproductive organs. Usually, this fertility examination is carried out by a newly married couple and is waiting for a baby. By undergoing this test, it can be seen whether there are problems with reproduction that may cause pregnancy to become too late.

The women's reproductive system whose condition is healthy greatly affects the smooth running of the pregnancy program. If a woman is undergoing a prominence, but the results are still not visible, it is advisable to do a fertility test. This examination is not only aimed at detecting whether there are causes of infertility problems experienced, but also helps determine the appropriate promil plan.

In fertility tests, doctors will apply some basic examinations or refer to fertility consultant specialists. So what are the methods used in female fertility tests?

fertility tests involve several examinations, ranging from medical history, use of family planning, sexual activity, use of drugs, to thorough physical checks. In women's fertility tests, here are the procedures or types of infertility that are usually carried out.

Hysterosolfingography (HSG) is a fertility examination method using X-rays to produce uterine images and fallopy tuba. Before carrying out this procedure, the contrast fluid will be injected into the uterus.

The main purpose of this procedure is to check whether the uterus and the fallopi tuba are in normal circumstances. In addition, HSG can also help in detecting obstacles that can inhibit the fertilization process, such as size or uterine shape disorders and blockages in the fallopi tuba.

Transvanagian ultrasound is a fertility examination method by taking pictures of reproductive organs using ultrasound devices inserted through the vagina. The organs that can be identified through this test include the uterus, egg protection, tuba falopi, uterine neck, and vagina.

In addition to being used for fertility tests, ultrasound transvagina can also be applied to women who experience vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason, cases of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic pain, and to check the position of contraceptives in the uterus. This procedure is also useful in detecting cysts, miscarriages, placenta complications during pregnancy, as well as for confirmation of pregnancy in the early stages.

Hysteroscopic is a fertility check method using a small and flexible tube-shaped device with a camera at the end. The use of this tool is done by inserting it into the uterus.

This tool allows observation of the condition of the uterus and sampling the tissue if necessary. Hysteroscopy is also useful for finding out why bleeding is abnormal during menstruation or after menopause. Hysteriscopy can also detect the presence of polyps, fibroids, or abnormalities in the form of the uterus.

There is also a fertility examination of a woman called laparoscopic. This fertility test is carried out by inserting a small camera through a small incision in the stomach. Hungryoscopy is useful for observing all the pelvis and identifying the causes of infertility, such as endometrosis, ovarian cysts, or attachments caused by disorders in ovaries and tuba falopi. This method can also be used to diagnose pneumonia.

In addition to the above methods of examination, it is also important to check the function of ovulation and hormone levels. Ovulation is the process of releasing eggs in the menstrual cycle of women. Fruits will occur when the egg meets the sperm during its journey from tuba falopi to the uterus.

Ovulation is controlled by various hormones. Checking of ovulation can be done in the following ways:

Such is the review of women's fertility tests and the examination methods applied. fertility tests are useful for checking the health of the reproductive organs and helping to plan the appropriate agreement. fertility tests not only need to be carried out by women, but can also be carried out by men.

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