JAKARTA - How come Streep and her husband, Don Gumer, have been separated for more than six years. Streep confirmed the news that was first broadcast by Page Six.

Don Gummer andtendy Streep have been separated for more than 6 years, and even though they always care about each other, they choose to live separately, said representatives

This news came to light afterlong Streep was seen attending the Princesa de Asturias Awards 2023 without being accompanied by Gummer. The two of them last performed together at the 2018 Oscars.

This couple has four children: Henry Wolfe, Mamie Gumer, Grace Gumer, andie Jacobson. The four of them have careers in the entertainment industry both in the field of music and acting.

Previously, Street and Gummer lived in New York until they sold their place of residence in January 2020. How come Streep then bought a house in the Pasadena area, Calif in July 2020.

How come Streep and Don Gumer got acquainted in 1978, moments after Streep mourned the death of his girlfriend at that time, John Cazale. Since being in a relationship to getting married, both Streep and Gumer have been very private from the public.

In 2022,current Streep had time to answer the question of how her marriage to Don Gumer was always harmonious.

How come Streep replied, 'Good intention and willingness to submit' and occasionally keep your mouth shut.'

There is no road map on how to raise a family: It's always been a huge negotiation. But I have a holistic need to work and have a big bond of love in my life," he said.

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