JAKARTA - Karina Nadila is enjoying her time as the mother of her daughter, Rubishana Praya Prihartanto. Wanting to give her best, Karina Nadila admitted that she had found a school for her daughter.

This was done by Putri Indonesia Tourism 2017 to stimulate her child in the right way. Later, Karina said she just needs to follow what was taught by the school at home.

"So, I've started looking for school rather than teaching it wrong at home, it's better if I go to the best school, so later I'll know 'Oh, from school like that', I just have to give an example," said Karina Nadila in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18.

In addition, this 32-year-old woman has done research related to this if the child is directed properly, the stimulation will be better too.

"Actually, there must be certain research, if he is directed properly, the form of stimulation will definitely be more, the development is better in terms," he said.

"Actually, we don't have to go to school either, nowadays if we watch it on YouTube or the Internet, how come there are many ways we stay at home, for example or what is at school. But until now my children are still playing with his friends at home," Karina added.

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