JAKARTA - Gray hair at a young age can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, environmental exposure, and lifestyle choices. Here are seven lifestyle factors that can cause premature gray hair, according to the Times of India, Friday, October 13.

Stress and acute anxiety can cause premature gray hair. High stress levels can drain melanocytes (cells responsible for producing pigments), causing hair loss.

Eating diets that lack essential nutrients, especially vitamins such as B12, folic acid, iron, and minerals such as copper and zinc, can lead to the emergence of premature gray hair. These nutrients play an important role in maintaining hair pigment.

Smoking is also associated as the cause of premature gray hair. Hazardous chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage hair follicles and interfere with melanin production. In addition to causing gray hair, cigarettes can also interfere with your health.

Consumption of alcohol in large quantities can lead to the emergence of premature gray hair. Alcohol can drain important nutrients in the body, disrupt the absorption of vitamins and minerals is important. As well as disturbing overall health, all of which can cause premature gray hair to emerge.

Lack of sleep or poor quality can speed up the graying process. Lack of sleep can interfere with various body functions, including those related to hair health.

Exposure to pollution and toxins from the environment, such as pollution and hard chemicals in hair products, can lead to the emergence of premature gray hair. These substances can damage hair follicles and inhibit melanin production.

An unmoved lifestyle can contribute to the emergence of premature gray hair. Regular exercise increases blood circulation, which ensures essential nutrition reaches hair follicles.

Although this lifestyle factor can contribute to the emergence of premature gray hair, genetic factors also play an important role. Some people genetically tend to turn gray before time, regardless of lifestyle choices they live.

If you are worried about early gray hair, it is advisable to consult with a health professional to get personalized treatment suggestions and options.

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