JAKARTA - The film June and Kopi gave a new experience for Acha Septriasa. The film, whose main cast is not human, but dogs named June and Kopi, reminds Acha of his childhood experience of being chased by dogs. Indeed, in the film June and Kopi, Acha must actively interact with dogs.

Before filming, Acha admitted that he was not too close to any animals. Especially dogs, because Acha had a traumatic experience of being chased by dogs.

"When I was in elementary school, I lived at my grandmother's house. In one of the alleyways that was going to the grandmother's house there was a german shepherd. If I passed there, I would have caught my emotions reading with the dog. First grade I came home alone, at that time I I was so afraid of being chased by the dog, it tore my skirt, I climbed onto the electric pole, like a cartoon. I was really scared, so I kept thinking dogs are that creepy, "Acha recalled during an exclusive chat with VOI via video call, Friday. , January 29.

After playing the films June and Kopi, Acha felt that it all depended on human thoughts. It depends on your thoughts and how to control your emotions. If the intention is to love any animal, everything will be fine too.

"There is no such thing as fear and wild animals. If a wild animal cannot be given a heart, no one becomes a handler in a zoo. We can be kind to them, and they can feel our emotions. My view after playing this film is different. really, even closer to my neighbor's animal here in Australia, "he explained.

Acha Septriasa (Acha Septriasa Collections Photos, Photographer @Deppitco)

Even though he had doubts when he was offered to play this film, Acha was grateful that this film became his son's favorite film. "After I watched yesterday, this film has a purpose that makes me feel grateful I played in this film. The public's response to this film was unexpected, they gave lots of good opinions, they gave support, and thank you for being part of the film. which has not been made for a long time. My son Brigia has recognized this film as his favorite film. As a mother, I am very happy to finally be able to watch a film that I think suits his age. Yes, I am very grateful, "he said.

For viewers who haven't watched it, Acha Septriasa has a special message so that you don't have to have any expectations when watching. "This film is as simple as love. How is the process of finding friends other than humans, in animals. How can you coexist with nature. You can reflect on yourself as a human being in this world, how you treat other creatures in this world," he said.

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