Sara Wijayanto will return to play in one of the horror films directed by Hitmaker Studios. In this film Sara Wijayanto will play Ibu Sekar and compete acting with Aliando Syarief and Amanda Manopo. This film is directed by director Rocky Soraya.
Playing with younger players than him, Sara Wijayanto admits that she has a unique way to build chemistry with players at the location. One of the things that is done is eating together because all players are both hobbys of eating.
Even unmitigated, Sara said that Amanda brought a stove to cook food for the cast and crew on set.
"Fun fact, we continue to eat at the location. So every day 'what do you want to eat tomorrow?' Manda brings a stove, where is the food, it's fun. Anyway, the menu is different every day. It must be eating. We shoot it while eating," said Sara Wijayanto in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, October 3.
For the wife of Damian Aditya, apart from getting to know each other, to fill in energy because there are many scenes that involve physical activities.
Until finally this activity has become a habit for those who will automatically ask each other about the food menu that they want to eat when shooting the next day.
"There is no (voltage). It's just that we're acting. And coincidentally, there are a lot of physical scenes too, so if you're asked if you're tired, you're physically tired, but because of this togetherness we'll just be happy," he continued.
"Because it's even, I don't know, maybe it's a habit, today it's done, Manda asked me, 'Mom, what do you want to eat tomorrow?' 'Eat this', 'Yes, you brought this tomorrow', then I asked Ali, 'What do you want?'," he said.
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