YOGYAKARTA - When brushing our teeth, we often accidentally swallow toothpaste or odol. Actually, the fluoride in toothpaste has levels that are still within safe limits and do not cause toxic effects. However, if the fluoride enters the body excessively, it can have a bad effect. So why is fluoride dangerous for the health of the body?

Fluoride content in toothpaste provides many benefits for dental health, such as coating the dental structure, maintaining dental strength, and hardening the enamel of teeth so that it is not easily perforated. However, many people question whether it is dangerous to accidentally swallow toothpaste.

Adults may be rare or may very little to swallow toothpaste. However, this condition is often experienced by children. All chemicals contained in toothpaste are mild abrasive. But if you enter the body excessively it can be harmful to health.

Actually, fluoride content is very familiar found to be related to everyday life. Not only used in toothpaste, fluoride is also found in some foods and drinks such as tea, coffee, milk, and others.

Fluoride content in toothpaste will not cause dangerous effects if it does not exceed the body's ability to process it. However, fluoride can be dangerous when entering too much or excessive into the body.

The unabsorbed fluoride will be thrown away with the feces. Meanwhile, the absorbed fluoride will be flowed quickly through blood circulation and sometimes stored in certain tissues. It is this fluoride that is not wasted that is dangerous and becomes a health problem.

Here are some of the dangers that can be caused by the excessive entry of fluoride into the body:

One of the bad effects of fluoride is triggering osteoporosis and damage to the nervous system. This condition has the potential to occur when swallowing toothpaste or other ingredients that contain too much fluoride into the body.

Another impact of swallowing fluoride too often is that it inhibits the absorption of calcium. This hampered condition of calcium absorption is called fluorosis. This health problem can have a bad series of impacts, such as a decrease in IQ, weakening immunity, impaired nervous system, inhibiting bone growth in children.

Kidneys work as the main organ in disposing of fluoride of around 50-60 percent. Therefore, excessive fluoride will potentially interfere with kidney function. Excessive exposure to concentrated liquid can increase kidney disease.

High concentration fluoride provides a chemical reaction with the origin of the stomach in the stomach. The stomach acid layer can be excited due to the formation of excessive fluoride acid. Symptoms that are felt like the stomach is starting or painful in a few minutes.

Excessive fluoride intake can also cause dental fluorosis. This condition is related to brownish yellow spots in the teeth. Exposure to fluoride greater than 1mg/l or 0.1 mg/kg every day during the period of dental development can interfere with the process of email formation and dental dentin.

Another danger of consuming excessive fluoride is the effect of poison on the body. Therefore, fluoride levels on toothpaste are always limited. Actually, this bad impact is rare, but it still needs to be watched out for.

That's why fluoride is dangerous for the health of the body. Actually, the fluoride in toothpaste and food and drinks has levels within the normal limit for consumption. However, if the intake of fluoride is too excessive, it has the potential to cause some health problems such as above.

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