YOGYAKARTA Research was conducted in the United States and published last year, showing that a man who often watches porn tends to have a high level of loneliness. A total of 57 percent of men aged 30-49 years, reported having watched pornography in the past month. 42 percent of them, said they had watched it in the past week.

Launching the Institute for Family Studies, Wednesday, September 20, about 6 out of 10 Americans reported watching pornography at a time in their life. Including more than one in four who have watched it in the past month. However, the number of men is four times more than the number of women who have reported having watched pornography in the past month. Men aged 30-49 watched the most while 44 percent were 18-29 years old.

Although most Americans do not report that they carry out this activity regularly, exposure to pornography is much more common today than in the past, especially among women. A total of 8 out of 10 (81 percent) women aged 65 years and over say they have never watched pornography. While less than half (44 percent) young women say the same thing.

The widespread availability of online pornography has made it easier to access. Most young adults say they have watched pornography at a time in their life. But watching pornography regularly is associated with a number of negative social impacts and personal experiences. This association stands out more in men than in women.

Men who have watched pornography in the past 24 hours have reported the highest level of loneliness. Six out of 10 (60 percent) of men who watched pornography in the past 24 hours say they feel lonely or isolated at least once a week. In contrast, less than four than 10 (38 percent) of men have never watched pornography and 49 percent of men have watched it but have never seen it in the last 24 hours have said they feel lonely in the past week.

Americans who regularly watch pornography are also more often reporting dissatisfied feelings for their personal appearance. Daniel E. Cox, director and founder of Survey Center on American Life, wrote that this effect mainly happened to men. Nearly eight out of 10 (78 percent) of men who watched pornography in the past 24 hours said they were unhappy with their performances in the past week. Less than half of (44 percent) of men have never watched pornography and 58 percent of those who have never seen it recently said they were unhappy with their performances in the past week.

Men who watch pornography regularly are also more likely to report that they often feel insecure. Namely, a total of 74 percent of men who reported having watched pornography in the last 24 hours say they feel inferior or insecure in the past week. Only 45 percent of men who claim to have never watched pornography say the same thing.

Pornography can also cause men to feel dissatisfied with their sex life. Only about a quarter (26 percent) of men reported having watched pornography in the past day say they are truly or very satisfied with their sex life, compared to 41 percent of those who say they have never watched pornography.

Findings in the research above are not collusion. However, it illustrates the problems that are not simple related to watching pornographic films. In essence, the tendency to watch blue films is associated with various aspects of sexual and psychological life. Which is related to the level of loneliness, negative self-image, dissatisfaction of sexual life with their partner, insecurity, to insecurity.

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