Comedian Andre Taulany has complained about his sadness because his youngest daughter, Arlova Carissa Taulany alias Lova, has now begun to grow up. The sadness was conveyed by Andre through the WOY YouTube account! owned by Wendi Cagur.

Andre said that at this time he had started to feel far away from his daughter. He felt this way because Love no longer wanted to be kissed or hugged by his father like they used to.

"Honestly, I'm currently in my time like, not far away, it's like losing Lova. I used to be Lova when every time I wanted to go or I wanted to go home, I kissed, I hugged, I still wanted to, now I don't want to," said Andre Taulany, quoted by from the WOY YouTube account!, Tuesday, September 19.

"So it's a bit like if he's at home, for example, he's still in the room, so I can't bother, maybe it's starting to get big, it's starting to go to the technology, so it takes privacy that must be maintained with him, so I respect that," he continued.

As a father, the singer of the song 'Maybe' is trying to understand his daughter's growth period. But it didn't make Andre free Lova from socializing. He even admitted that he still often monitors his daughter so that she doesn't get the wrong choice of association.

"It's just that sometimes I feel like 'This was a small child who I hugged', now I think it's keeping a bit of a distance. But maybe that's the development of the child, it's time too. But I still look after it. I've come to my heart like this 'I have to keep an eye on this Inn, I have to keep an eye on it'," added Andre.

"I'm also afraid of the current association, but God willing, I will give him confidence, he can to maintain his good name, especially him and his family," he said.

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