YOGYAKARTA - Children who have difficulty writing when they start learning are normal. However, if your little one is not able to write smoothly or is constantly having difficulty writing, then it could be that they experience dysgraphia. However, not many parents know demographics in their children.
Building writing skills in children is indeed a parenting that requires patience and accuracy. However, there are some children who have demographic problems or have difficulty writing. If this condition is allowed to hinder the learning process of the little one to interfere with his academic activities. Therefore, parents need to know what demographics are in their children.
Disgragia is a learning disorder when there is a lack of writing ability in children. This condition will cause children to have difficulty speaking writing, such as writing words, copying writings, thinking about words to be written, difficult to read, and others.
Disgragia is not included as a mental disorder problem. But dysgraphia is a problem with brain function that plays a role in driving children's fine motor skills to write. Disgrafied people experience difficulties in aligning between the mind and movement of the hand muscle when writing.
Most demographic problems are experienced by children. However, this condition can also occur in adults. Children with demographic problems are often considered as lazy and careless students because their handwriting is not neat.
At a glance, dysgraphia is almost the same as dyslexia, because people with dyslexia sometimes also experience problems with writing and spelling skills. In fact, children can experience dyslexia and dysgraphia at the same time.
The most common characteristic that is easy to see from children with dysgraphia is unclear and difficult to read handwriting. Even so, that doesn't mean that all children whose handwriting is bad are people with dysgraphia.
The following are a number of signs that can indicate a child experiencing dysgraphia:
Disgragia appears when a child has problems with a nervous system that functions to regulate fine motor skills to write. However, it is not known exactly what causes dysgraphia. However, there are several possibilities or risks that can trigger the emergence of this learning disorder.
Because dysgraphia is included in neurological disorders, it is also possible if this problem occurs due to a brain injury.
Such are the reviews of getting to know the demographics in children and their symptoms or signs. As a parent, it is important to bite and continue to accompany the child's growth and development process so that it can run optimally in terms of gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
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