YOGYAKARTA Couple relationships that are full of dramas, of course, have a tiring groove. When facing a tense atmosphere, it is difficult to find a way out and feel comfortable. Well, according to licensed marriage counselor Stephanie Wijkstrom, unpaired relationships will make it less comfortable to develop and may accumulate problems in the future. For this reason, here's how to help couple relationships feel more comfortable.
Clinically, two people who are paired and committed together, it takes at least 2 years to quite believe and be honest about their past, present, and future. If you and your partner have no disagreement, actually don't create a relationship, it's just an introduction. That is, you and your partner need to accept differences of opinion. If there is a drama, it means that you need to work together on your chest, accept what you are, and find a way out together.
Most appropriate, discussing the issue of being alone with your partner. Don't tell friends or family about what you feel. Although everyone sometimes uses other people to voice opinions. But if you trust other people more than your partner to vent anger, it will most likely rob you of the significance of your relationship and your partner.
Many people don't have the courage to be constructive and supportive so they choose to be silent or explode in the future because their needs are piling up. So don't expect your partner to read your needs without being publicly disclosed. Most precisely, tell your partner about what you need, give him the opportunity to respond, and make the relationship grow. Because according to Wijkstrom reported by the Counseling &Wellness Center of Pittsburgh, Thursday, September 7, the relationship that continues to grow provides an opportunity for your partner to grow comfortably.
You need to maintain relationships with friends and solo activities. If you don't have it, it will most likely depend too much on your partner. So that relationships are seen as a necessity, not a force. That is, you can't get comfortable in relationships without having free time for yourself.
Every couple needs to share an unsafe feeling. Including telling your partner about past tough experiences, experiencing anxiety, to certain traumas. Although this is a little risky, sharing these vulnerable aspects is the way trust is built.
This is related to sexual intimacy, which according to Wijkstrom is based on trust and honesty. So tell what makes you excited and not excited. By showing your pleasure to your partner, it is very important to enjoy a healthy sexual relationship.
It's about personal plans for the future that need to be shared with your partner. Sharing plans in the future with your partner is a great way to get closer. Especially if you're a new partner, then each needs to talk honestly about the direction of life.
It is emotional, physical, and interpersonal, which teaches how we are loved and determine which one to do or not. The limit is unique to everyone, because it is related to how you interact with other people. This includes describing ways and frequencies of communication with your partner.
Those are eight ways to build a more comfortable couple relationship according to certified marriage counselors. In principle, you and your partner can have a varied way in addition to the above strategy. However, anything needs to be agreed upon with each other in order to maintain strong trust.
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