YOGYAKARTA Infused water is often consumed by the public to support health. This drink can be consumed especially when running a diet program. Although natural, consuming water infusion is recommended at certain times and times. Then, when is the best time to drink infused water?

Quoted from AI Care, Infused water is a drink in the form of water mixed with pieces of fruit or other herbal ingredients. This type of drink will provide a unique and healthy taste. Some of the fruits that are often used for infused water such as strawberries, lemons, melons, kiwis, pineapple, Apples, belimbing, and many more.

In addition, infused water is also added with vegetables such as sleptri, green mustard, carrots, lemon leaves, and many more.

To consume infused water, the public can choose the best time to drink infused water which is adjusted to several conditions, namely as follows.

The best time to consume water infusion is actually not affected by anything. This means that this drink can be consumed, especially in the morning. A fresh infused water taste can increase the mood so that morning activities can be done optimally.

It is not recommended to consume infused water before bed because acid content has the potential to damage teeth. To avoid this, you have to brush your teeth to remove acid in your teeth.

Infused water is made by inserting pieces of fruit into water. Fruits themselves contain natural calories and sugar, so it is recommended to eat fruit or infused water before the stomach is hungry or full.

Quoted from the Ministry of Health website, when the stomach feels full, it means that the body has received enough calories and nutrients. It is recommended to drink infused water when the stomach is not too empty so it doesn't flatten.

It is not recommended to consume infused water when the stomach is empty because acid in the fruit has the potential to irritate the stomach.

Infused water has a fresh taste so consuming it after exercise is quite recommended. In addition to quenching thirst, infused water helps replace body fluids that come out in the form of sweat. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the portion so that the stomach remains comfortable and sports activities can be resumed.

The vitamin C content in the fruit helps improve the immune system that is decreasing so that consuming the drink when you are not feeling well can support the body's immunity. However, the increase in immunity still does not have a big impact compared to when you eat fresh fruit or vegetables.

Diet actors will usually avoid drinks that contain sugar. Therefore, they will replace the drink with a more natural infused water without having to reduce sugar extremally. Usually, the dietist will consume infused water with lemon slices to facilitate fat burning.

Dehydration is not only caused by physical activity, but because of the weather. Consumption of infused water also helps increase body fluids. However, infused water does not help much during acad dehydration which requires professional medical treatment.

That's information regarding the best time to drink infused water. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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